Lisa Illean (Image, Cathy Pyle)
30 September 2018
Hall One, Kings Place, London
Part of Kings Place's TIME Unwrapped series
6pm Pre-concert talk with Julian Anderson and Nicholas Moroz
Fausto Romitelli La sabbia del tempo
Olivier Messiaen Preludes (selection)
Lisa Illean Weather a Rare Blue (Explore Ensemble commission)
Gérard Grisey Vortex Temporum
Vortex Temporum is the late masterwork of pioneering spectralist Gérard Grisey, fulfilling his vision of a music that transfigures our experience of time. Symphonic in sonic wealth and scale, with lush spectral harmonies and feverish dance-like rhythms, its three movements were imagined as adventures through three time-frames: ‘normal’, human time, the ‘expanded’ time of whales and the ‘compressed’ time of birds. Paired with Grisey is a brand-new work for ensemble and electronics from Australian composer Lisa Illean, herself inspired by Grisey.
With the generous support of the Hinrichsen Foundation; Acción Cultural Española's (AC/E) Programme for the Internationalisation of Spanish Culture (PICE), in the framework of the Mobility grants; and Diaphonique, Franco-British fund for contemporary music in partnership with the Institut français du Royaume-Uni, the Sacem, the British Council, the French Ministry of Culture, the Bureau Export, the Institut français and the Friends of the French Institute Trust; and the Hinrichsen Foundation.